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This article was published in a 2015 issue of Planning magazine. A physical copy is stored in the IAAO Library. Members may request a scan of the article through the LibraryLink catalog.


Even if you haven’t seen a drone or two flying around your city, chances are you will soon. Inexpensive and easy to operate, they’re coming to the masses and taking hold in industries from entertainment and energy to construction and engineering. Planners say they could offer tremendous uses in the field with real-time aerial views, high-resolution aerial imagery, and more detailed data for decision making. Despite the potential, commercial drone operation remains illegal in the U.S. without a special exemption from the Federal Aviation Administration. While the agency is moving toward establishing licensing system in 2016, many commercial operators aren’t waiting. It’s time to learn more about what could prove to be one of the greatest tools we’ve seen in the past decade.