This IAAO Library Guide contains recent materials related to wind farm valuation and the effects of wind farms on nearby property values. In addition to articles and presentations, relevant legal briefs are included. This guide is not a comprehensive list of all IAAO Library materials on the subject, but rather serves as a starting point for your information search process.
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Image credit to Pasquale Paolo Cardo on Flickr; Creative Commons license.
Bilberry, B. A. & Martin, M. L. (2018, Sep. 25). Wind farm improvements and asset appraisal on Maui/Appraisal, valuation, legislative and legal assessment of Hawai'i wind farms [Conference session]. IAAO 2019 Annual Conference, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.
Camins Associates. (2006). Wind farm valuation for real estate tax assessment.
DeLacy, P. B. (2011). Wind farms: A valuation primer. The Appraisal Journal,79(1), 28-43.
DeLacy, P. B. (2014). Wind farm valuation issues for ad valorem taxation purposes. Insights: Business Valuation, Forensic Analysis, and Financial Opinion Insights, 79, 85-93.
Gegar, Glenn. (2016). Solar and wind: Power energy device exemption and appraisal guidelines. Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. Austin, TX.
Kent, C. (2018, Sep. 25). Valuation of wind farms [Conference session]. IAAO 2021 Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
Kent, C. (2019). Property taxation of commercial wind farms and facilities. Journal of Property Tax Assessment & Administration, 16(2), 41-61.
Impact of Wind Farms:
Hoen, B. & Atkinson-Palombo, C. (2016). Wind turbines, amenities and disamenities: A study of home value impacts in densely populated Massachusetts. Jounal of Real Estate Research, 38(4), 474-504.
Vyn, R. J. (2018). Property value impacts of wind turbines and the influence of attitudes toward wind energy. Land Economics, 94(4), 496-516.
Summaries and briefs included under the Case Law tab include: